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來(lái)源:http://www.hzlvneng.com/   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-05-15

 臨邊護欄一般采用大貨車(chē)運輸,到了冬天,冰天雪地,道路濕滑,那么在運輸的過(guò)程中可能會(huì )出現產(chǎn)品的磕磕碰碰。如果處理不好,可能會(huì )出現大面積損傷,這怎么能讓客戶(hù)使用呢?

Edge guardrails are generally transported by large trucks. In winter, on icy and snowy days, and on slippery roads, there may be bumps and bumps during transportation. If not handled properly, there may be extensive damage, how can customers use it?

  一般,為了避免這種情況的發(fā)生,在包貨的時(shí)候會(huì )做一些保護層,用塑料泡沫進(jìn)行一下臨邊護欄的包裝,防止磕碰的發(fā)生。即使這樣,有時(shí)候咱們收到的貨還是有變形或者刮痕。這是什么原因造成的呢?

Generally, in order to avoid this situation, some protective layers will be made when packaging the goods, and plastic foam will be used to pack the side rails to prevent bumping. Even so, sometimes the goods we receive still have deformation or scratches. What is the reason for this?


If it's just this way of packaging, there won't be much problem with general friction, but it won't change much about the squeezing situation. What kind of packaging can provide comprehensive protection?



Firstly, it is flexible packaging to prevent scratches and scratches caused by simple friction and collision. Secondly, hard packaging is used to prevent distortion and deformation caused by external forces. Finally, the cargo must be loaded vertically and flattened in parallel. After the loading is completed, instruct the driver to drive more steadily. There's basically no problem with this. You can safely reach your home by the edge guardrail.

  本文由 臨邊護欄 為您精心提供,如想了解更多請點(diǎn)擊我們的網(wǎng)站:http://www.hzlvneng.com,我們將會(huì )以的熱情為您解答!

This article is carefully provided by the edge guardrail for you. If you want to learn more, please click on our website: http://www.hzlvneng.com We will answer you with the greatest enthusiasm!

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